What is The Fall Project No One Likes – But Makes a Huge Difference you ask? Cleaning the gutters. It can be so tempting to skip cleaning them out. It’s not fun, and depending on your roof can be down right dangerous! So why then is it so critical?
If your gutters are full, your gutters will not operate properly. The water will run over your gutter and down to your foundation – instead of INTO your gutter and away from your foundation.
Too much water at your foundation can result in damp basements or foundation problems. You really don’t want to go there! I have clients that have literally paid $22,000 to fix a bad foundation. And in the winter ice will create a whole new set of problems.
So take the time to clean your gutters. If you can’t do it, you can hire someone to do it for you. Or you can install a gutter covering system that should eliminate the need to do that chore. Either way it will be money well spent.
And if you have any other questions regarding real estate in Lee’s Summit or anywhere in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area, give me a call. 816-877-8732 or visit http://homevaluesleessummit.com I am licensed in both Missouri and Kansas.