What is the 5-minute task that will save you money on your energy bills you ask?  It’s properly using your programmable thermostat.

We all know we should, but we seem to have some mental block when it comes to programming our thermostats to align with our schedules. It’s not that hard, and sometimes all it takes is buying a new one that suits you. (Like maybe a Wi-Fi one that’ll give you a little money-saving thrill each time you swipe your app.)

“From a cost-savings perspective, a programmable thermostat is a great investment,” Lipford says — as much as 10% off your energy bill, per the U.S. Department of Energy.

And if you have any other questions regarding real estate in Lee’s Summit or anywhere in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area, give me a call. 816-877-8732 or visit http://homevaluesleessummit.com  I am licensed in both Missouri and Kansas.